Market VaR
Market risk capital assessment.
Marker VaR is a market risk management system which provides portfolio risk figures (Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall) based on a non-parametric historical simulation approach producing risk figures at various levels by risk factor. Direct input and assessment of user-defined stress scenarios. Fast and easy inclusion of new financial instruments are guaranteed by its versatile computational architecture.
Positions Module
Module designed for displaying individual exposures and portfolios, including mark-to-market, duration and PV01 views, as well as various financial gap indicators and maps.
Stress Module
Stressed VaR and ES figures generated by user-defined stress scenarios are calculated and presented in this module.
VaR Module
This module calculates precise VaR and ES figures through historical simulation, providing the breakdown of risk figures in terms of their marginal contributions to legal entities, segments, desks, portfolios, etc.
The infrastructure module contains a number of IT most desired features such as server monitoring, audit trails and user permissions management.