He studied Computing at UNESP and Mathematics at PUC-SP, improved knowledge in applied mathematics, economics and finance in courses at institutions such as the Central Bank of Brazil, IME-USP and IMPA. He worked with applied research in research centers such as Fundação CERTI (UFSC) and Tanque de Provas Numérico (POLI-USP), he was the creator and co-author of software for the aerospace sector covered by the FINEP/MCT economic subsidy program. He has extensive experience in research, development and innovation in the industry, having worked in engineering positions at pioneering startups in networking appliances, machine-learning and data-science in Canada, Spain and Germany. Created, developed and implemented core backends for companies such as TIM, OLX, Thales Air Systems and Alcantara Space Center, Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal. An open-source enthusiast, he produced contributions as a developer of the OpenBSD project, launched open source solutions and was the first Latin American invited to speak at BSDCan at the University of Ottawa. He is currently CTO at Octaplus Financial Analytics.